LatenceTech launches an innovation project on the safety and automated operation of
mines with the financial support of the MISA Group.
September 16, 2024, Montreal (Canada)
As part of its ongoing commitment to innovation in telecommunications, LatenceTech announces the launch of a groundbreaking project in collaboration with Groupe MISA. This initiative aims to enhance the measurement, analysis, and prediction of wireless network quality in mines, both on the surface and underground, with a specific focus on latency, reliability, and private network throughput.
The goal of this project is to validate the connectivity performance requirements for various
mining use cases and connected equipment. Ultimately, this project will demonstrate the critical
importance of high-quality connectivity in supporting advanced automation in mining operations.
“This innovative project from LatenceTech's Vortex – IoT Pathway represents a key step for
innovation in the mining sector. By enabling proactive, real-time monitoring of private network
performance, we are paving the way for significant advancements in the automation and security
of mining operations. Through this innovation, mines will be able to improve connectivity and
meet the ever-increasing technological demands of our industry.” explains Alain Beauséjour,
General Manager of Mines, Innovations, Solutions and Applications (Groupe MISA).
This collaboration aligns with the overall strategy of LatenceTech and Groupe MISA to improve
network data access and promote innovation in connected mining services, underscoring their
commitment to addressing current and future technological challenges in the mining sector in
A Solution to Support Innovation in Connected Mines
LatenceTech has developed a solution that enables real-time measurement and prediction of the
quality, reliability, and especially the latency of 4G and 5G services. This information is critical to
the proper functioning and safety of many innovative applications, whether in autonomous
vehicles, telemedicine, generative AI, connected AR/VR glasses, or in the industrial sector for the
remote operation of heavy equipment. This technology is also essential for supporting
connectivity during large-scale sporting or cultural events.
“Through this project with Groupe MISA and mining equipment manufacturers, we will be able to
demonstrate the added value of our solution in the mining sector, assisting in their digital
transformation and facilitating their progress toward automation,” adds Benoit Gendron,
President and Co-Founder of LatenceTech.
About MISA Group
The MISA Group's Mining Center of Excellence's mission is to accelerate innovation projects
dedicated to the mining industry. NPO formed in 2007, MISA Group has developed powerful
expertise in operational management of technological innovation. Their business model is based
on 5 pillars: the Alliance Program, the Vortex Journey, the Autonomous Mine, the Martini
Method and the Expert Networks. These Expert Networks bring together mining operators by
fields of expertise mobilized throughout the mineral development process. In collaboration with
its experts, MISA Group is dedicated to priority innovation projects for the mining industry. The
Expert Networks led by the MISA Group are also a formidable community of practices that
participate in the advancement of sustainable performance standards in the mining industry in
Quebec and internationally.​
About Latence Technologies
LatenceTech offers an AI-based solution that enables mobile operators to monitor, predict, and monetize the quality of public and private 5G services, with a particular focus on low and stable latency. Founded by experienced leaders in telecommunications and computing, Benoit Gendron, Emmanuel Audousset, and Chloé Durand, LatenceTech is committed to providing the best lowlatency connectivity for all.
For more information or to sign up for a free trial, see, visit www.latencetech.com
Latencetech and Orange revolutionize 5G effective throughput estimation with LIFBE
February 23, 2024, Montreal (Quebec)
As part of its continuing mission to innovate in the field of telecommunications, LatenceTech has partnered with Orange to present LIFBE (“Low Intrusive Fast Bandwidth Estimation”), a technology patented by Orange and co-developed by the two companies. This initiative perfectly illustrates LatenceTech's ability to address complex issues related to network quality and latency, particularly in the demanding environment of public and private 5G networks. LIFBE embodies a significant advance by allowing immediate and rapid estimation of the effective throughput rates of network connectivity while using much less data and therefore with low energy impact.
This open collaboration between LatenceTech and Orange has made it possible to integrate Orange's LIFBE patent into Latencetech's solution, thus providing an effective response to the growing need for access to high-quality network data via open APIs. This collaborative innovation is designed to be effective across a wide range of network technologies. It marks a turning point in the estimation of effective throughputs, with measurements requiring much less data than the current set of available tools on the market.
"This method was developed to reduce the size of the data used for flow estimates and thus limit the impacts on the network when taking measurements. We also wanted a lightweight, fast approach, compatible with all types of networks and that also allows for frequent measurements." explains Laurent Mussot, inventor of LIFBE at Orange.
“This method was originally developed to obtain an almost instantaneous measurement of the available throughput of an IP network, a departure from traditional speed tests. The direct benefits were to reduce the quantity of data used for estimations and thus significantly limit the impacts on the network during measurements. We wanted a light, fast approach, compatible with all types of networks and allowing frequent and transparent measurements with no impacts on other users."
“Our collaboration with Latencetech is part of our desire to offer open APIs, facilitating access to real-time network quality, throughput and latency data, essential to supporting the new set of 5G innovative connected services.” underlined Laurent Leboucher, CTO of the Orange Group. 2 Orange Restricted This joint initiative is part of LatenceTech’s and Orange's overall strategy to improve access to network data and promote innovation in connected services, demonstrating their commitment to responding to current and future technological challenges.
LatenceTech: An imperative solution in support of 5G connected innovations!
LatenceTech has developed a solution making it possible to measure in real time and predict the quality and latency of 5G services, critical information required for the proper functioning and security of several innovative applications, particularly in the fields of autonomous vehicles, telemedicine, generative AI, connected AR/VR glasses, as well as in the industrial sector for the teleoperation of all equipment and machine types. “This open collaboration with Orange allows us to improve our solution, initially focused on realtime latency measurements, with a revolutionary throughput measurement method with low impact on the network which will allow us to observe and predict variations quality because large variations negatively impact connected innovations. “, underlined Benoit Gendron, CEO and cofounder of the company.
About Latence Technologies
LatenceTech offers an AI-driven analytics solution enabling mobile operators to track, predict and optimize 5G quality of service with a particular focus on stable low latency. Founded by seasoned telecommunications and IT executives, Benoit Gendron and Emmanuel Audousset, after seeing how sustainable, stable low latency connectivity is a game-changer for new consumer 5G services and industrial innovations. LatenceTech's mission is to help ensure the best low latency 5G connectivity for everyone. For more information or to sign up for a free trial, see, visit www.latencetech.com